Friday, February 19, 2021


When flowers bloom again
Someday beyond all knowing
I'll come to you, and then
We'll watch the flowers growing.
When sunshine comes to stay
And creases all the clouds
We'll sit the livelong day
To watch the strolling crowds.
When warmth and sun unite
To make the world seem new
I'll bask in fresh sunlight
And watch, my love, for you
So we can be together
Throughout the better weather.

Thursday, February 18, 2021


I dread the coming of the longed for spring
Because the danger of the winter lingers;
I know the hope and joy April can bring
Grasping the world in warm and gentle fingers,
But February lays its future traps:
It cannot help but threaten in the heat
To melt the snow, and dump into our laps
The endless waters of the snow's retreat.
And so I fear what I have said I wanted;
I worry even as I get my way.
I can't pretend to live my life undaunted
Since even my own wants have gone astray.
But if I fear the spring, I still know this:
Your love I want, and it is only bliss.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Inequality of Expectations

The expectation seems to always be
That we will be the better, bigger people;
No matter how they act (despicably)
As sure as churches raise a cross on steeple
We will be told we ought to work for good.
It isn't that I mind; I much prefer
To help where help is needed, and I would
Imagine I would do that if it were
Not so required. But it grinds my gears
That no one ever seems to think that they
Should change; should at last after all these years
Adapt, and meet us somewhere like halfway.
Why should we always have to turn the other cheek
Because we all know they will slap the meek?

Monday, February 15, 2021


The world, delighted by the dancing flame
Will burn itself to keep the flame alight;
So I by chasing after fickle fame
Consume the very source of my delight.
In seeking ever to become my best
I lose sight of the good I was already;
And in the striving I forget to rest
Imperiling the sense that made me steady.
I should, in conscience, sit and look around
Observing how my life is warm and sweet
Instead, I gaze at mountains that surround
Imagining myself down at their feet.
But in the valleys lie the riverbeds
Not at the mountains flame-erupting heads.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Reading 5x5

The case is pure simplicity:
You only need to use your eyes
And answer truly what you see
Without the cataracts of lies.
Or if you choose to shut them tight
You need but listen with your ears
For sound can substitute for sight
And what is heard for what appears.
Or if you will not listen, too,
Then you need but inhale, for that
Will serve to sniff out what is true
Assuming you can smell a rat.
Indeed, if you have any sense
You can determine this offense.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Seriously, Folks?

The Constitution says you can impeach
The Senate rules say, once impeached, you're tried;
I'm not sure what the logic is you teach,
But where I'm from, that's fairly cut-and-dried.
The Constitution gives a penalty
Of being banned from holding office more;
There is no earthly reason I can see
That shouldn't work once you are out the door.
In fact, if logic is as I was taught,
That only works if it works once you're gone.
Since once convicted, you would then be not
The President, and yet the vote goes on.
So to conclude: once you impeach and try
The former president still goes "bye-bye."

Sunday, February 7, 2021

After Lope de Vega (II)

When you commanded the entire world
And forced the head of Mithridates down;
When in your hand the ball and scepter curled,
And three great triumphs echoed your renown,
Who'd tell you, might Pompey,  that the sailors
Would throw your rotting body in the Nile,
Your once-bright robes now packaged for wholesalers
Your head retained in hope of Caesar's smile?
And happy Caesar, who at Pharsalus
Used steel to take the laurel you wore prettily,
Thinking your enemies were silenced thus,
Who'd tell you, busy ruling Italy,
Your own bad end? Except for one who knew
Your destiny is fixed in spite of you.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

After Lope de Vega

Troy fell, because it was its fate to fall.
It burned; we all know how the story goes.
But since that story is now known to all,
Greece, which once burned it, ever grows
More jealous of the city that it burned.
So I, who have been burnt at heart
Become more famous for the way I yearned
Than I had been when not yet torn apart.
This is the way life compensates us fools;
Our fates are fatal, but our recompense
Heats us with fame even as fortune cools:
Mischance brings notoriety immense.
So those of us who cannot have good luck
Become more famous for the way things suck.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Negotiating In Bad Faith

I fear that we have seen this play before:
That every plot and twist has been previewed
And that, to make a blunt point and be rude,
It was a flop. I will not close the door
On every hope of what could be in store,
But I remember how it was reviewed,
How it began, and also what ensued,
And find I have no wish for an encore.
Oh, let the Democrats cease to pursue
The votes Republicans will not provide
And seek instead the country's good alone!
Forget the script they'd have you come back to
Remember all the prior times they lied
And do your best, although you work alone!