Saturday, January 13, 2018


"The light
That shines
Is bright"
He whines
While those
Less lit
That it
Must be
A ball
To see
At all:
"Please dim"
For him.


I learned some ways to tell someone "well done"--
A "brava" here; perhaps a well-placed clap,
A gracious smile, or judicious snap,
If silence was required; or if one
Wished to bro it up, a finger-gun,
A chest-bump, or a hug and triple-slap.
I now believe those methods were a trap,
Designed to steal the spotlight and the sun.
The best acknowledgement I am now convinced
Is deep attention that does not distract
And simple plain expression of the same.
This shows, not tells, the feelings thus evinced,
Subsuming declaration in the act
And giving it reality, not name.