Sunday, November 15, 2020


I find my pleasure in the smallest things:
The way you cuddle into blankets often;
How every time your silenced cellphone rings
You panic; how your eyes begin to soften
The moment that our daughter reaches out;
The way you smile, both when you are posed
(A false facade infused with your self-doubt)
And when you mean it (wide and unenclosed);
The different ways you walk, depending on
Whether you feel happy or are stressed;
How you will pout when all the coffee's gone
Then brighten when I hand you all the rest.
These moments are my treasure, and I hoard 'em
Even when you think I might die of boredom.

Second Wave

It shouldn't be that fucking hard
To wear your goddamn masks. We all
Should be upon our fucking guard
For any way that we can stall
The spread of Covid. If you are
Incapable of doing that
Your sympathy must be subpar:
You wear your shoes, your pants, your hat
Outside; when it is raining you
Do not just sit there and get wet
So if there's something you can do
To stop the virus, why forget?
Or if it's not forgetfulness
But purpose--then you're just worthless.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020


I worry there will be a coup
I worry one's already here;
I do not know what we will do
When they deny what is so clear.
The course that we will have to steer
Is one we never wished to sail
It shoals with prejudice and fear
Which we must pass untouched, or fail.
I worry it will not avail;
That what we do will not succeed
I want to rant, and weep, and rail
To pass from poem into screed.
But calm alone will help us now
And so I must be calm somehow.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Voter Fraud

Did anybody really think Bill Barr
Would have enough integrity to stop
His boss's madness? And yet here we are.
He doesn't have the honesty to drop
The trumped up charges of election fraud
Or even to ignore them; no, he joins
As if his Caesar were a very god
Whose face was rendered onto Roman coins.
Of course, if there were true misplay at work
We should investigate it; but be sure
The implications of that, he will shirk,
As if one vote could be declared impure
While all the others on the ballot stand:
A legalistic coup is now at hand.