Sunday, September 4, 2022


I have no energy for anything
Not for my food, my body, or my feet.
I barely feel the motion of my seat
As I away back and forth. I cannot sing.
I lack even the anger I would bring
To feeling sick. I only feel defeat.
I have no strength to rouse myself or greet
The day. I'm strung up in a string
Of my own emptiness. It numbs the pain
So that I barely register it anymore,
But do not truly feel any relief.
I want to sleep. My eyelids will not wane
Which makes me almost wonder what they're for
But wondering is work beyond belief.

Rain, Fair

There's some divine displeasure in the day
That drips down raindrops on the milling crowd,
Turns calm white clouds into a whirling gray
(As if the summer's sky were disallowed),
Spills sodden seeds down onto city streets
That were not well-designed to take the load,
And when all this is done, simply repeats
Washing along all those who dared the road.
God does not dice with us; we are not players
But pieces moved around the board at need.
There is no hope for answer to our prayers:
Our wills are ours, but divine will is freed
To soak the city down at divine pleasure
Regardless of our hopeful plans for leisure.