Thursday, June 16, 2022


Forgive me, for I must admit my lack:
I do not have the patience. Not for this.
I'd love if you would only cut me slack
And cover what impatience makes me miss.
Oh, do not blame the phone! It did not force
My fingers to caress it, or my eyes
To dance over its surface. Yes, of course,
I was distracted, but the fault here lies
With me, not my distraction. I cannot
As I should, let my mind be settled here
But must explore my every waking thought
Online. And so I beg of you my dear
Forgive my fault, and try, love, to recall
You do the same too often after all.

John Leslie Breck (Exhibition at Figge)

There are some themes I can identify:
The grainstacks of Giverny, first of all,
Set in the open, backed by bluish sky;
The seasons, though not ever fully fall;
The open river, lined by leaning trees
That yearn to touch the water, but cannot,
Their limbs untouched by even mild breeze,
Their trunks too stable to imagine rot;
Beck in himself, a not-too-humble scene;
A dozen or so snowfalls, white with grey;
Most everything in blues and deeper green
Touched by the tendrils of the dawning day;
Most livelily, another painter's daughters
And drops of sunlight on the endless waters.

Thursday, June 9, 2022


It was a motherfucking coup
I really don't know what to say
If it seemed otherwise to you
Except that you are not okay.
We cannot let this bullshit pass
And still be a democracy;
The GOP showed its whole ass
Again on national TV.
That who was rioting, you know--
The right wing is their party base,
Their primaries this year will show
This stain is there--they can't erase
That they tried hard to break our state
A Grand Old Party, full of hate.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Actual Quarantine

Honestly the strangest part of all
Is how the quarantine feels like the past;
Like March two years ago, when what were small
Case rates seemed large, and we had not amassed
A range of options other than to sit
At home and hope the plague would pass us by.
Now we have more to do to ward off it
But once it hits, there's nothing left to try
Except the same old staying home. And now
We wait. There's nothing but the waiting.
And if there's something else, I don't know how
To find it. I just hate anticipating
The test that tells my future. So I wait
And as I wait, I feel my back teeth grate.