Tuesday, April 20, 2021


Justice is blind, but only in that she
Should not weigh anything except what's true.
She does not choose it random, fitfully,
Nor does nor should she choose what she will do
Based on opinion or identity.
Justice is served we say when we've gone only through
The proper forms and done it honestly
In such a way that Justice will ensue.
Justice upholds the right. This means the law
Should not sway wrongfully, nor self-abuse;
If it is chance, or biased, that's a flaw
That means there is no Justice, or she'll lose.
We all know what we saw last May. And so
We know where Justice was--and we still know.


One thing that I did not expect:
I'm absolutely terrified
Of what this jury will decide
And then of what will happen next.
A few decisive lines of text
About how George Floyd lived and died
Now written down but not yet eyed
We'll have an impact so direct
I tremble with it. Even I
Though neither black nor Minnesotan
Can feel the history congeal.
This kind of day we know we try
The systems that the people vote in
If they can judge what's truly real.

Saturday, April 10, 2021


There is no single sonnet theme
No necessary topics here;
It could recount a weirdass dream,
The architecture of a pier,
The sense of being straight, or queer,
The hope of future joy, the pain
Of stubbing toes, the sense of cheer
That's generated by the rain
(Depression too), the constant strain
Of unrequited love, the fields
That stretch to Kansas, thick with grain,
The sound of battle, swords on shields,
Whatever else we can conceive
Can be a sonnet, I believe.


There's something calming in a good hard rain,
Something that simply does a body good;
That quiets an unquiet, rowdy brain.
I love to hear it rattle on the hood
Of the parked cars that line the neighborhood
Which will not move, as long as it goes on.
I listen longer than I likely should,
Out of the evening, deep into the dawn,
Until the rain itself is dried and gone,
And everything is quiet but my mind.
I watch the flowers bloom across my lawn,
Christened with rain, ecstatic, unconfined,
And know we are alike. The downpour brings
A quiet music to which all life sings.