Friday, September 18, 2020


I knew that she would pass and still I prayed

She would by miracle outlive us all;

A monument to justice, standing tall,

Despite her stature: unbowed, unafraid.

By her oppression's mighty hand was stayed

And at her going, I fear it will fall;

While other justices were playing ball

She understood the stakes of what they played.

The gap she leaves behind we cannot fill

(Though we may fear it will be filled ere long);

In years to come we'll wish she were here still

To judge the right, dissenting from the wrong.

She's earned her rest, so we must now fulfill

The legacy she left, and keep it strong.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Weather Gauge

The sun refuses to reveal its face
Pulling the angry clouds across the sky
To shield it with their covering embrace
Until the day itself begins to die.
The moon, adopting its more senior's ways,
Seizes the clouds and makes them hide it too;
Continuing the day's oppressive haze
Until the morning rises with the dew.
And as that water floats up towards the sun
The clouds release their tears in sympathy
Lashing the ground with rain which, once begun,
Offers no end to its eternity.
So day and night are unifiedly wet
Because the sun in shyness took a pet.