Wednesday, June 24, 2020


I'd rather I did not exocitize
The cultures I admire; if I could,
I'd see the world through many different eyes,
Take in the bad of it beside the good,
And know (and weigh) it all within my soul
Not by the standards of my own small part,
But as a complex, living, vital whole
Each piece of which has something to impart
But all of which lives, not to service me,
Not for the value I may see in it,
But for itself and its society.
I like to think I've worked on this a bit.
It is a process, though, and not an end,
A process I must constantly amend.

Thin Blue Line

Remember, the police should only be
A public service, for a public need
Not a disruption to society:
If we are cut, they should be first to bleed
Not cause the wound themselves. They often claim
To be the finest of us, but deny
The duty that accompanies that name:
A higher standard. Cops should never lie
And yet see them do so, every day.
They shouldn't violate what they enforce,
But ought to follow it in every way
More than the rest of us. A police force
Should be, but isn't, something to admire
Not thugs dressed up in fancy blue attire.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

After Moses

If I were God (thank God I am not God)
I'm not sure how I'd feel about the power:
Having frantic mortals always cower
As they address you would be very odd.
So too would be the times that some poor sod
Rants on and on at you, hour by hour
About some minor thing, like a cold shower,
While you try to restrain your crushing rod
For power brings with it (or ought to bring)
Responsibilities that counterweigh
What might, at first, appear a pure indulgence:
Perhaps that's why God, being everything,
Does not appear to us in any way
That might reveal their terrible effulgence.


I have not visited in every land,
Nor walked all of the streets I'd love to walk;
I cannot speak the tongues I'd need to talk
To everyone I meet, on every hand,
Nor do I know the histories untaught
In universities--the margin's lives
As lived by children, workers, slaves, and wives.
I ought to be, and often am, distraught
When I recall these gaps. I wish I could
Know everything there ever was to know
And understand it truly, fully, wholely;
But I'm also unsure it would be good
To try: for down that path, if I should go,
Lies thinking I alone know all things, solely.

Transport of Delight

There have been times when I have felt
The endless moonlight call to me
As if the moon itself would melt
And merge into a distant sea.
I have seen stars that seemed to show
A path that leads where none can tread
And in their effervescent glow
The cobbles glistened overhead.
On certain nights, in certain streets,
The clouds that caught each neon sign
Have promised hidden, pure retreats
Lie just behind their distant shine.
But since moon, stars, and clouds all lie
I much prefer an empty sky.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Iowa Gothic

If someone disappears into the corn
You cannot follow. Run. Don't wait for it
To follow you. What comes out isn't born
But grown. Its clothes will never truly fit.
It has too many ears. But don't look now;
Now you should be running. It can't run
Faster than a combine. But don't try
To harvest it until you see the sun
Under the moonlight you, not it, will die.
The worst will come if you approach a cow:
Don't touch. Whatever you may do, don't touch.
I don't care how much you may want the milk.
It can make you want things far too much
And when you touch, you crumble like corn silk.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Half Year Retrospective

This has been a year of change and stress
As every year, we must admit, will be;
But most years seem, at least, to have much less
Tumult across the months. We cannot see
The future, but we have to live in hope
That something will disrupt the madness soon.
If nothing does, we may no longer cope
With all the change that swirls like a typhoon
Around us. Everything is now unsure
And what seemed certain when the year began
No longer can be trusted. There's no cure
For this disruption; we cannot now plan
Another year. And yet we have to try.
But as we plan, we know we also lie.

Friday, June 12, 2020


Delaying for a year is cowardice
At best. At worst it is a weak deception
To cover up an ingrained prejudice
For fear (again) of its present reception.
If you believe that we need cops in schools
And that that policy ought to resume
Next year, then why this year of different rules?
But if you recognize that the classroom
Should be a sacred, safe, protected space
Where every student has a chance to grow
Regardless of their class, their grade, their race,
Then I would hope by now that you would know
A cop's a hammer looking for a nail:
A schoolroom shouldn't pave the way to jail.


I try to throw my words against the wall
And see what sticks. It's usually not much,
But then again, that they can stick at all
Is still a miracle. If I can touch
Not even souls, but simply minds, with this
It would be more than I would call enough.
Communication brings a kind of bliss
That can be called on when the going's tough
And thus, if I, when throwing words out, can
Make any difference to anyone
It's more than worth the doing. I began
By throwing words, but by the time I'm done
I hope to catch a few as well, and hear
What others say, and what they too hold dear.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Holy fuck it's not that hard
(Or shouldn't be) to not be dicks;
And do not give me that canard
So redolent of dirty tricks
That says "I have to be this cruel
Because I fear that they will be"--
You are yourself, and your misrule
Is your responsibility.
If you are human, then act so
And trust that others will as well;
If you do not, then we will know
They aren't the ones you ought to quell.
Your actions speak about your soul
Your fears should not be in control.


Let it be as it will be
Let it come as it will come
I'm not prepared; but that's on me
My silence shouldn't strike you dumb.
If I don't know how I should speak
But you are ready to declare
I will hear your voiced critique
And save my own as I prepare.
I will listen, truly hear,
Not waiting just to have my say;
I hold your conversation dear
And would not wish your words away.
Let us each speak truth to power
In our own peculiar hour.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020


Lord, you gave us justice
But gave us mercy too
Because somehow you trust us
To know which one to do.
Lord you gave us Torah
Our high and final law
Which Sodom and Gomorrah
Lacked, as you well saw;
But when you gave it to us
You gave us also power:
The strength which you endue us
Is to assess the hour
And to interpret gray
Anew for every day.

Monday, June 8, 2020

The Deep

Imagine an oasis in the sea
Depth beyond depth emerging from below
Surrounded not by sunny greenery
But chemotrophic coral that can grow
Without the aid of light. Imagine swimming
In hard pressed water heated by the vents
Which is by seeming miracle still brimming
With endless fish, who feed within the rents.
And now, since we are human, please imagine
A trawler casting out a deep sea net
To fill our endless stew, chowder, or tagine
With any fish or sea life it can get
Breaking the coral, spreading it across
The cracked and spewing vent. Imagine loss.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Spoil The Bunch

A cop might be a perfect man
An ideal human being, too
The highest zenith of God's plan
For what we ought to be; a true
Apotheosis of our kind;
The best and brightest of us all;
The gentlest person you could find
In virtue, great, in vices small;
He might be all we all should be
In every way that we aspire;
Adonis' constabulary
The pinnacle of all desire
Yet all these virtues still would cease
From socialization as police.

Thursday, June 4, 2020


I glimpse the future in a wrack of pain
As if the headache opened up my mind;
Before me lies an endless, empty plain
Birdless and grassless, on which I can find
No spot to draw attention but the whole;
A fire burns somewhere beyond my sight,
Its smoke a shimmer. Up above, a hole
Parts in the whispy clouds to show the night
Illuminated by a bloody moon
Which passes then behind a cloud again
And all is dark. Somewhere a loon
Cackles against the sky. There are no men.
No women either. As I strive to look
Pain surges and it closes like a book.

Eternal Reward

I don't think there's a heaven or a hell
But I do wonder sometimes, if perhaps,
When all of this is over, when our knell
Is rung, and earth itself begins to lapse,
Whatever God there is has not prepared
Some kind of negative, which, when developed,
Shows us the world we made, in which is bared
The pain and hurt in which we are enveloped:
The ways we treated others would apply,
As we were told they someday should, to us.
Do unto others as you'd be done by;
What you would hate, don't treat another thus.
So we were warned; if there is life past death
Perhaps it's just our own acts given breath.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020


Wandering deep in the wood last night
I stumbled across what at first I thought
With the folly of hope, was a tree.
It was, from the first, an impossible sight:
Its wrinkled high limbs like the moldy rot
On blue cheese, enlarged and in 3D.
It swayed in the wind--no, all on its own--
As it lurched through the forest on foot
And I didn't stay long to observe it.
From what I remember, it was alone
But I fear that its spores may take root
In the wood by my house, where now I sit
On a bright afternoon, still afraid:
There aren't any trees, but I'm in the shade.

Monday, June 1, 2020


Fear drives these protests
Not protesters' fear,
Cops'. Deadly arrests,
Rubber bullets, tear
Gas: these are fear's signs,
Fear of letting go,
Fear that redefines
Everything they know.
Power becomes right
Service becomes weakness.
Protest is a fight
Unless all is meekness.
Fear brings with it rage;
They won't disengage.